telc Exam Online Preparation Course including telc. Exam

Why should you take a telc exam at speakeasy?

Unbeatable prices! Everywhere else you pay for just the exam, but at speakeasy, you get a free Online Preparation Course and the exam at one price. With our independent learning exercises in the Online Preparation Course, you get the opportunity to prepare for the exam easily and effectively, wherever and whenever you want. Furthermore, you have the chance to ask our experienced teachers questions during the live online seminar. Our Online Preparation Course is the best way for you to prepare for your exam day.

Online telc Preparation courses including the exam are available for most levels:

telc B1

e.g. for your citizenship application

telc B2

e.g. as proof of your B2 language level for your employer

telc C1 (General)

e.g. as proof of your C1 language level for your employer

telc C1 (Uni)

e.g. for applications to a German university

There are many other advantages, when you book the telc Online Preparation Course with the Exam with speakeasy! Find all the advantages here:

  • speakeasy is a licensed telc Examination Centre.
  • speakeasy is a University center of competence.
  • Online self-study course and live preparation seminar for your exam.
  • Up to five exam dates each month.
  • Partial exams (just oral or written sections).
  • Automatic email with a scan of your certificate.
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This course helps you to prepare for your telc exam.

In the course you get:

  • Information on the exam sections
  • Strategies and tips on completing specific question types
  • Opportunities to practice specific question types
  • Chance to test your knowledge with an official mock exam

The course is not meant to help you improve your German language skills. If you would like to improve your language skills, please register for one of our language courses (here).

Additionally, you get the opportunity for individual assessments of your learning success.

Individual assessments of learning success:

  • Opportunities for practicing and testing during the course
  • Participation in our live seminar. Here we discuss common problems and questions about the individual exam parts (you can also find information in the email you received when you registered.

You would like a more intensive preparation outside of the self-study material: HERE you can register for our 3-week exam preparation courses.

How is the Online telc Preparation Course incl. telc Exam structured?

  • Independent learning section of the course
  • Learning time: Around 10 hours
  • When: Flexible according to your availability
  • How: Individually
  • Start the independent learning section directly after booking
  • Live online seminar
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • When: On the Tuesday before your exam date
  • How: In a group with a teacher
  • You will receive a separate invitation to the seminar
At the speakeasy Berlin school


Successfully complete the course by taking your telc exam!

What does the Online Preparation Course and Exam cost?

telc C1 Uni 239 €
telc C1 (General) 239 €
telc B2 219 €
telc B1 219 €

Which prerequesites do I have to meet to take part in the Online Preparation Course and exam?

Linguistic prerequisites: You should already have the required linguistic skills for the level of your telc exam. If you need help improving your language skills for an exam, simply sign up for one of our language courses (here).

Technical prerequisites: The Online Preparation Course consists of two parts: an online self-study section and a live online seminar. You need the following equipment to take part:

  • Computer/smartphone/tablet
  • Stable internet connection
  • Up-to-date browser (e.g. Firefox,Chrome)
  • Speaker / headphones
  • Microphone (for the seminar)

Required books: To participate in the preparation course you need an additional textbook. The required book is different for each level:

  • For B1:Deutsch Prüfungstraining: Zertifikat Deutsch (Publisher: Cornelsen) (ISBN: 978-3060203109)
  • For B2: Mit Erfolg zu telc Deutsch B2 (Publisher: Klett) (ISBN: 978-3-12- 676824-5)
  • For C1 and C1 Uni: Prüfungstraining telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule (Publisher: telc) (ISBN: 978-3-946447-18-4)

All information on the terms of the contract for your Preparation Course and exam can be found here.

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